
Product Recall Claim Management

Complex Claims Require Expert Solutions

Manage your product recall claims effectively with our expert guidance.

A product recall can be a significant event for any company, impacting finances, reputation, and consumer trust.

Insurers often consider the immediate and obvious losses covered by this element of manufacturing insurance and sometimes overlook the costs associated with the logistics or legalities of a product recall and the cost of rebuilding your reputation.

Our Approach

Using our deep industry knowledge and commercial awareness of the sector, we will help you achieve the right result in this difficult process. We’ll look at the full impact of your product recall and deeply examine your insurance policy to ensure you get the fairest possible settlement to help your recover faster. 

Why Choose Us

We have worked with many manufacturers across the UK and Ireland on a variety of losses from buildings and commercials vehicle losses to product insurance claims.

Ready to recover from your recall?

Contact us now for a free consultation on your product insurance policy and your road to recovery.

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Disaster doesn't keep set hours - and neither do we!

Call us anytime and speak to a senior team member to get started.